Pt Gmg

Pt Gmg

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r= 20 cm

L 3/4 lingkaran

=3/4 nr²

=3/4. 3,14 ,20.20

=942 cm²

semoga membantu

3. The following text is for questions number 26 to 28. Energy Protein Total fat Nutrition Information Serving per package: (insert number of servings) Serving size: a (or mL or other units as appropriate) Saturated fat Carbohydrate Sugar Sodium (insert any other nutrient or biologically active substance to be declared) Low Fat Qty per Serving kJ (Call a 9 Q 9 Q mg (mmol) g mg. ug (or other units as appropriate) NET WEIGHT: 500g Mango, Walnut and Royal Jelly Low fat breakfast cereals contains mango pieces, walnuts and royal jelly Breakfast Cereals Qty per 100g (or ml) kJ (Cal 9 9 0 Q mg (mmol) gmg. ug (or other units as appropriate) INGREDIENTS: Whole grain wheat, corn, rolled oats, palm oil, aspartame, mango pieces (mango, mango juice, humectant (glycerol), tartrazine natural mango flavourj, royal jelly, walnuts, minerals (Calcium carbonate, iron sulphate). vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Vitamin B12) and spices. PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE WARNING THE PRODUCT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ASTHMA AND ALLERGY SUFFERERS USE BY: 01/12/2010 Low Fat Manufactured By: Brand Food Pte Ltd 18 Food Safety Road Singapore 123456 Product of Singaporetranslate kakk​




Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 26 s/d 28. Energi Protein Lemak total Informasi Gizi Sajian per kemasan: (masukkan jumlah porsi) Ukuran porsi: a (atau mL atau satuan lain yang sesuai) Lemak jenuh Karbohidrat Gula Natrium (masukkan nutrisi lainnya atau zat aktif biologis yang akan dinyatakan) Jumlah Lemak Rendah per Sajian kJ (Sebutkan 9 Q 9 Q mg (mmol) g (atau unit lain yang sesuai) BERAT BERSIH: 500g Mangga, Kenari, dan Royal Jelly Sereal sarapan rendah lemak mengandung potongan mangga, kenari dan royal jelly Sereal Sarapan Qty per 100g (atau ml) kJ (Kal 9 9 0 Q mg (mmol) (atau unit lain yang sesuai) BAHAN: Gandum utuh, jagung, oat gulung, sawit minyak, aspartam, potongan mangga (mangga, jus mangga, humektan (gliserol), rasa mangga alami tartrazine, royal jelly, kenari, mineral (Kalsium karbonat, besi sulfat). vitamin (Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Asam folat, Vitamin B12) dan rempah-rempah PHENYLKETONURICS: MENGANDUNG PHENYLALANINE PERINGATAN PRODUK M TIDAK COCOK DIGUNAKAN UNTUK PENDERITA ASMA DAN ALERGI OLEH: 01/12/2010 Low Fat Manufactured By: Brand Food Pte Ltd 18 Food Safety Road Singapore 123456 Product of Singapore

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