apakah suhendro mengerjakan pr dengan kalimat simple past tense menggunakan(?)
1. apakah suhendro mengerjakan pr dengan kalimat simple past tense menggunakan(?)
Simple past tense
(?) Did Suhendro do his homework?did suhendro do homework?
menggunakan did jika past, sedangkan does digunakan jika present
moga membantu ya :)
2. Perbaikan penulisan pada kalimat berikut adalah Pekan yang lalu, kepala sd mulya, bapak suhendro, memberikan sambutan pada saat acara peringatan hari pendidikan nasional di kantor dinas pendidikan kota Palembang.
Pekan yang lalu, kepada SD Mulya
Bapak Suhendro,memberikan sambutan pada saat acara peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional di Kantor Dinas Pendidikan kota Palembang
3. Perbaikan penulisan kalimat pada kalimat ini adalah Pekan lalu, kepala sd mulya, bapak suhendro, memberikan sambutan pada saat acara peringatan hari pendidikan nasional di kantor dinas pendidikan kota palembang
Pekan lalu, kepala SD Mulya, Bapak Suhendro, memberikan sambutan pada saat acara peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional di kantor Dinas Pendidikan kota Palembang
4. Tiga orang mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) membuat produk Pomade, bahan penata rambut berbahan dasar susu. Hasil peternakan yang kaya nutrisi ini berfungsi menyehatkan rambut dengan kandungan yang dimilikinya. Beberapa bahan lain diracik tim yang terdiri dari Akhmad Sudadi, Ikhsan Suhendro, dan Ryan Fachrozan hingga menjadi produk Pomade siap pakai yang diberi nama Pomilk. Berkompetisi dengan finalis lainnya dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, Akhmad Sudadi dan timnya berhasil meraih juara pertama. Lomba Karya Tulis Nasional yang dihelat oleh Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjajaran itu diadakan akhir tahun silam di Jatinangor, Jawa Barat. Lomba tersebut juga merupakan salah satu rangkaian acara Dies Natalis Fakultas Peternakan Unpad ke-53. Rangkaian lomba berhasil diselesaikan tim IPB dengan membawa produk Pomilk kreasinya pada babak final. Mengacu pada produk Pomade yang telah ada, minat masyarakat terhadap produk serupa cukup tinggi. Dengan tujuan menciptakan produk bermanfaat dan sehat, selama kurang lebih dua bulan, tim ini berkreasi dengan bahan susu, vaselin, lilin lebah, minyak kemiri, dan minyak jarak. Dengan bahan tersebut Pomilk dirancang menjadi produk yang mampu bersaing dengan produk Pomade lain yang telah beredar di pasaran. Penggunaan produk selain Pomilk memberikan nutrisi bagi rambut agar lebih sehat, hitam, dan berkilau. Proses pembuatan Pomilk diantaranya pemanasan lilin lebah dan vaselin, kemudian ditambah susu termodifikasi, serta bahan-bahan lainnya. Penggunaan Pomilk semakin disukai juga dengan pemberian fragrance pada Pomilk. Karya hasil mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan IPB ini diproyeksikan menjadi produk bisnis, agar pemanfaatannya lebih luas lagi. Kak tolong terjemahin ini ke bahasa Inggris dong
<br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><div id="inner-editor"></div>1732/5000Three students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) make Pomade products, milk-based hairdressers.
The results of these nutrient-rich farms are functioning to nourish hair with the content it has. Some other ingredients are teamed up by Akhmad Sudadi, Ikhsan Suhendro, and Ryan Fachrozan to become a ready-made Pomade
product named Pomilk.
Competing with other finalists from various universities in Indonesia, Akhmad Sudadi and his team won first place. National Writing Competition held by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University was held late last year in Jatinangor, West Java.
The competition is also one of the series of Dies Natalis of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unpad to-53. The series of the contest was successfully completed by IPB team by bringing Pomilk products of creation in the final round.
Referring to existing Pomade products, people's interest in similar products is quite high. With the goal of creating a fruitful and healthy product, for about two months, the team is creative with dairy, vaseline, beeswax, hazelnut oil and castor oil.
With these materials Pomilk is designed into a product that is able to compete with other Pomade products that have been circulating in the market. The use of products other than Pomilk provide nutrition for hair to be more healthy, black, and shiny.
Pomilk making process include heating beeswax and vaselin, then added milk modified, as well as other ingredients. The use of Pomilk is also favored by giving fragrance to Pomilk.
The work of students of Faculty of Animal Husbandry IPB is projected to be a business product, so that the utilization is wider.Three students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) make Pomade products, milk-based hairdressers.
The results of these nutrient-rich farms are functioning to nourish hair with the content it has. Some other ingredients are teamed up by Akhmad Sudadi, Ikhsan Suhendro, and Ryan Fachrozan to become a ready-made Pomade product named Pomilk.
Competing with other finalists from various universities in Indonesia, Akhmad Sudadi and his team won first place. National Writing Competition held by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University was held late last year in Jatinangor, West Java.
The competition is also one of the series of Dies Natalis of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unpad to-53. The series of the contest was successfully completed by IPB team by bringing Pomilk products of creation in the final round.
Referring to existing Pomade products, people's interest in similar products is quite high. With the goal of creating a fruitful and healthy product, for about two months, the team is creative with dairy, vaseline, beeswax, hazelnut oil and castor oil.
With these materials Pomilk is designed into a product that is able to compete with other Pomade products that have been circulating in the market. The use of products other than Pomilk provide nutrition for hair to be more healthy, black, and shiny.
Pomilk making process include heating beeswax and vaselin, then added milk modified, as well as other ingredients. The use of Pomilk is also favored by giving fragrance to Pomilk.
The work of students of Faculty of Animal Husbandry IPB is projected to be a business product, so that the utilization is wider.
5. Sampah dibuang suhendro Dalam 7 kalimat dibawah ini: Simple present tense? Simple past tense? Present continuous tense? Past continuous tense? Present perfect tense? Present future tense? Dan future tense to be going to?
Present perfect tense? The rubbish has thrown by suhendro
Semoga benar
6. Gambar di bawah ini, merupakan atlet andalan Indonesia di cabang olahraga atletik khusus di nomor jalan cepat. Dia sudah banyak meraih medali di setiap event kejuaraan nasional maupun internasional. Siapakah nama atlet tersebut . . . .A. SuhendraB. Hendro KartikoC. SuhendroD. Hendro Yap
Hendro Yap, atlet jalan cepatandalan Indonesia berhasil menyumbang medali emas di nomor Men 20 km Race Walk.
D.Hendro Yap