Apa artinya What would the guest like to book?
1. Apa artinya What would the guest like to book?
apakah kamu ada di siniApa yang ingin tamu pesan?
2. 10. Which of the following statements is truebased on the dialogue?A. The guest wants to book a table.B. The guest wants to try the newrestaurant.C. The guest stays at a hotel.D. The guest is a chef at the restaurant.E. The guest wants the meal to be serviced soon.
B. The guest wants to try the new
3. guest : excuseme, could i book the room for three days? Receptionist : whose one you want to book? the standard or deluxe one? yag manakah eror recognition A.book B.whose C.want D.one
B. Whose
the correct word is Which
4. Skala prioritas saat receptionist memulai pekerjaannya di pagi hari adalah...A. Membaca log book. B. Mendaftar tamu. C. Mengisi guest card. D. Blocking room. E. Check room
A. Membaca log book
karna Membaca log book termasuk Skala prioritas saat receptionist memulai pekerjaannya di pagi hari saat memulai pekerjaan
5. 1. Tamu yang terburu-buru, misalnya karena ikut tur wisata, ingin segera check out dari hotel, menunggu penerbangan, dan sebagainya. Adalah merupakan jenis tamu? A. On a Budget GuestB. On a Diet GuestC. Alone GuestD. Couple GuestE. Young Couple Guest
Jawaban:c. alone guest
maaf kalo salah
6. guest amanities hotel
guest amanities hotel
Penyusunan kata:
amanities guest hotel
fasilitas tamu hotel
7. dialog aprologys tentang guest
Mana : Can i help you?
Guest : yeah, i order some food and drink for room 24 but it never come
Mana : Oh sorry about that, i will contact service room and bring the food to your room.
Guest : Ok thank you very much.
Mana : No problem
8. pengertian guest brithday from
pengertian apa ari dari guest brithday from
9. Definisi handling guest
just be yourself and respect with your guest.
10. catatan apa yang diperoleh dari guest history
Guest history memberikan informasi tentang riwayat kunjungan tamu di hotel, termasuk data personal, preferensi, kebiasaan, dan catatan khusus lainnya. Hal ini membantu hotel dalam menyediakan layanan yang lebih personal dan menyenangkan bagi tamu, serta memperbaiki pengalaman tamu di masa depan. Guest history juga dapat membantu hotel dalam menentukan strategi pemasaran dan mengoptimalkan program loyalitas pelanggan.
jika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya. terimakasih sehat selalu
11. guest house artinya adalah
rumah tamu, penginapan, dllMenurut saya sepertinya itu adalah rumah tamu. Seperti misalnya anda mengadakan pesta besar-besaran untuk semua anak SMA, dan anda menggelarnya di rumah anda, maka mungkin rumah anda bisa dikatakan sebagai "guest house".
12. guest artinya apa atau maksudnya apa
GUEST rtinya TAMU... biasanya ada di tempat", kayak hotel, restaurant, dllGuest artinya adalah tamu
Semoga Membantu!
13. From the dialogue we know that … *From the dialogue we know that … *The guest is complaining about the bedroom service.The guest is complaining about the air conditioningThe guest is angry about the bad serviceThe guest is very disappointed about the situationThe guest praising the serviceThe guest is complaining about the bedroom service.The guest is complaining about the air conditioningThe guest is angry about the bad serviceThe guest is very disappointed about the situationThe guest praising the service
Dari dialog kita mengetahui bahwa … *
Tamu ini mengeluhkan soal layanan kamar tidur.
Tamu ini mengeluh tentang AC
Tamu marah pada pelayanan buruk
Tamu sangat kecewa akan situasi
Tamu tersebut menaikkan layanan
Maaf nggak tau hnya mau ambil point
14. buatlah percakapan handling guest?dihotel,guest dan receptionist,tolong jawab secepatnya
Handling reservation
David:Excuse me. I think there is a mistake in our bill.We didn't have dinner here last night.
Receptionis: I'm sorry,sir.Here's the bill from the hotel restaurant.It's got your signature on it.
David: But that's not my signature.I'd like to speak to the manager.
Receptionis: I'm sorry sir, the manager is busy.
Manager:you have a complaint about your bill,sir?
David:Yes.I'm afraid there's mistake we didn't have dinner in the restaurant last night.
Manager:But this looks your signature on the restaurant bill let me see. Oh dear I'm very sorry.There's another couple called morris in the hotel.They had dinner last night.Not you.I di apologize.
maaf kalau salah
15. jawabbbbbbbbbbbbb guest
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
3 pensil = 3× 2.500 = 7.500
2 bolpoint = 2× 2.750 = 5.500
2 penghapus = 2× 1.500 = 3000
harga 1 buku tulis = 1.500 + 1.500 = 3000
membayar 40.000
kembalian 3000
ditanya : jumlah buku tulis yang dibeli...?
cara jawab:
7.500+ 5.500+3.000 = 16.000
harga buku = 3000
total Andi belanja 40.000-3000 = 37.000
jumlah buku yg dibeli :
37.000-16.000= 21.000
21.000 : 3.000 = 7 buah buku tulis
maaf kalo salah, itu menurut caraku :)
16. apa yang dimaksud dengan guest amanities??
guest amenities adalah fasilitas tamuadalahkelengkapan yang ada di kamar tidur sebuah hotel yang merupakan fasilitas untuk membuat tamu lebih betah
17. Waiter : ...Guest : I would like to book a table for two for dinner tonight.A. Can I help youB. HelloC. Good afternoonD. Hi.
jika si guest berkata demikian maka jawabannya A
A. Can I help you
semoga membantu
18. apa pengertian guest room
guest room kalau di dunia hotel itu artinya kamar hotel
"hotel room" atau "guest room" sama aja, cuma orang2 lebih sering pake "hotel room"
guest room kalau di rumah, itu berarti kamar tamu
artinya satu kamar kosong yang khusus digunakan buat tamu kalau mau menginap ^^
kayak di rumahku ada satu kamar kosong juga, kalau temen2ku datang mereka tidur di sana
nah itu namanya guest room
semoga membantu :)
Guest room bisa berarti banyak 1. Rung tunggu 2. Ruang tamu 3. Kamar hotel Dan masih banyak lagi
19. Kegunaan dari dokumen guest card
guest card atau kartu tamu berguna untuk mengetahui bahwa ia adalah seorang tamu,lalu dicatat nama nya di buku dokumen tamu
20. pengertian guest services
guest services:orang yg memberikan pelayanan kepada tamu
semoga membantu.
21. yang termasuk guest supplies
3.Bath Foam(Sabun Lain Untuk Mandi.)
4.Showercap(Topi Untuk Mandi Dengan Shower.)
5.Glass Bag(Plastik Pembungkus Gelas.)
6.Coaster(Alas Gelas.)
Semoga Membantu...
Jangan Lupa Follow Aku Ya...
22. Pengertian guest services
seseorang atau kelompok yang datang kesebuah perusahaan untuk kepentingan tertentu..
Maaf jika salah penerima servis/ memperbaiki kerusakan
23. apa fungsi dari guest card?
guest card berfungsi sebagai kartu tanda pengenal kita sebagai seorang tamu di suatu tempat.
guest : tamu
card : kartu
fungsinya untuk tanda pengenal sebagai tamu
semoga membantu yah
24. 1. Apa manfaat dan tujuan Room Guest Supplies? 2. Kenapa harus ada Guest Supplies?
guest supliss itu adaalah tamu....
25. Handling guest restaurant
1.Be patient
2.Be courteous
3.Listen attentively
4.Don't contradict
5.Apologize and ask for a solution
7.Give up
26. Maksud dari percakapan handling guest
percakapan handling guest adalah percakapan dengan tamu.. maaf kalo salah
27. contoh percakapan handling guest
Kategori soal: Bhs Inggris
Kelas: SMA
Receptionist: Hello, Mr.Bastos, how may I help you?
Mr.Bastos: Yes, I'm afraid there's something you need to deal with my room.
Receptionist: Certainly, Sir, what can we do for your room?
Mr.Bastos: The Wi-Fi connection doesn't seem to work and I can't turn on the TV, miss.
Receptionist: Alright, we'll have our technician to check it out.
Mr.Bastos: Thank you, but there's something else I'm afraid......
Receptionist: OK, what is it, Sir?
Mr.Bastos: I think I smell something bad under my bed. I've already checked it but there's nothing there.
Receptionist: Hmm, what kind of smell, Sir, if I may know?
Mr.Bastos: It's like something stale or worse......kinda like a dead body smell or something.
Receptionist: Oh, OK, we'll check it right away, Sir. My apology for the inconvenience.
Mr.Bastos: Thank you.
28. apa yang dimaksud dengan guest house?
guratan house itu : rumah tamu (kaya hotel gitu)
maaf klo salah kasih aku yg terbaik ya klo bener Makasih ya..guest house adalah sejenis penginapan dengan rate murah, hampir seperti hotel.dilengkapi dngan fasilitas sarapan dll.
29. Dialog handling a guest
Eka : good morning.Gita/Hazijah : morning.Eka : Welcome to Blackpink Cafe. Here are your menus. Today’s special is grilled salmon.((eka wait gita and hazijah choose their food menu)). . .
Eka : Are you ready to order?Hazijah : I’d like the seafood spaghetti. And you gita?Gita : I’ll have a fried rice.Eka : Would you like anything to drink?Hazijah : I’ll have a glass of vanila blue, please.Eka : And for you?Gita : Orange Juice, please.Eka : OK. So that’s one seafood spaghetti, one fried rice, one vanila blue, and one orange juice. Mmm, would there be anything else?Hazijah : Nothing more, Thanks.Eka : OK, I would be back with your menus in a minutes.. . .
Eka : Here is your food. Enjoy your meal. Excume me.
((go then return again after gita and hazijah finished eat their food)). . .Eka : How was everything?Gita : Delicious, thanks.Eka : Would you like anything for dessert?Hazijah : No, thanks. Just the bill, please.Eka : A dollars fifty, Please.Hazijah : This is it, thank you.Eka : you are welcome, and thank you for coming.
30. there is not....in the lobbysome guestmany guestnobodyanybodymohon di bantu
theres is not some guest in the lobby
some guest
maaf kalo salah
Maaf Kalo salah