Camel Biru

Camel Biru

Dalam penilaian kesehatan bank kita mengenal istilah analisis camel uraikan apa saja yang terkandung dalam analisis camel gersebut

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1. Dalam penilaian kesehatan bank kita mengenal istilah analisis camel uraikan apa saja yang terkandung dalam analisis camel gersebut


yang terkandung dalam analisis camel yaitu modal, kualitas aktiva, manajemen, pendapatan, dan likuiditas.

2. Describe the camel..............................................

artinya diskripsikan tentang unta, contoh unta itu memiliki punuk yang berguna menyimpan cadangan makanan........

3. Describe the camel..............................................

camels is mammals with long legs, a big lipped snout and a humped back. camel like to stay together in groups called herds.

4. Sebutkan 3 ciri ciri camel dalam Bahasa inggris


camel have a long neck

camel lived in desert

camel have hump...

1.produce milk in the desert

3.original abode in arabic

how are you ?

5. camel in bahasa Indonesia ​


camel = unta


Unta,, Semoga membantu, jadikan Jawaban terbaik y

6. 3. Where is camel commonly found?Answer:​

Camel commonly found in Desert

7. 4. What is the difference between Arabian camel and Bactrian camel?Answer:​


Dromedary or Arabian camels have one hump. Bactrian camels have two humps. ... Bactrian camels come from Central and East Asia. Both types of camels have been domesticated for use as working animals for over 4,000 years.


somoga membantu buat kalian ❤

8. The camel lives in the desert


artinya adalah

unta hidup di padang pasir


apakah maksudnya untuk mengoreksi kalimatnya?

sudah betul kalimatnya

The camel lives in the desert

artinya Unta hidup di padang gurun

9. what do you know about Camel


Camel = Unta Hewan Yang sering di jumpai di gurun sebagai transportasi

Camel Animals that are often encountered in the desert as transportation


maaf kalau bener

10. Where the camel and the mousederr

Camel on desert habitat

Mouse Derr on pairs

maaf jika salah

11. This text is for question number 1 to 5 Camelcamel is a large and strong animal which is commonly seen in desert.There two kinds of camel; Arabian camel and bactrian camel.the first kinds of to camel has one hump and the second has two humps.camel are able to travel in great distances across hat and dry desert with little food or water.they walk easily on the desert.camels are trained as a means of transportation by carrying peaple and loads on thier backs.they also server the peaple of the desert in many other ways. soal1. what is the text about?A.camel. C.Bactrian camelB.Arabian camel. D.Transportation means2.what is the purpose of the text above?A.To inform readers about camel in generalB.To tell readers where camel comes fromC.To persuade readers to use camel as a means of transportation D. To tell readers the procudure of buyng a camel3.what is the ideal of paragraph two?A.the use of cameB.the characteristic of arabian camelC.the characteristic of bactrian camelD.the tlabitat of camel4.load on their backs what does the uderlined word baper to?A.arabian camel. C.passenger'sB.bactrian camel. D.camel,s5.camel are abie to travel in great distances the underlind word is closset in meaning with.....A.Live. C.standB.ctay. D.move​


1. A. Camel

2. C. To persuade readers to use camel as a means of transportation

3. A. The use of camel

4. D. Camel's

5. D. Move

Maaf Kalau Salah

12. Apa arti camel dlm bahasa ingris

unta. Ok semoga bermanfaat ya bro kasih yang terbaik kalau benar

13. descriptive text about camel​


Camels are four-legged mammals with the ability to survive in a desert. According to the data, there are only three species left of camels in the world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very limited population. Only some place in the world are inhabited by camels, those place are: The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. Camels can provide a lot of things for humans, for example: they produce milk, we can eat their meat, we can use their hair for textiles, and we can also ride on themor use them as a courier to bring our belongings.

Camels legs are very long. It is recorded that the average height of a full-grown adult camel can reach 1.85 m, it could reach the height of 2.15 m if we add the size of the hump into it too. The “hump” is where they store the fat that can be changed into water to keep their body hydrated whenever food and water is scarce. It is located on top of their back. Their head resemble the head of a horse and their eyes is located on each side of the head. Their eyes is protected by the three eyelid and two rows of long lashes, which help them survive the blowing sand. They can also shut their nostrils when the sand storms is coming.

Most camels can live up to 50 years old. An adult camel can reach 1,000 kg of body weight. Even with this heavy body, they can still run at 65 km/h and sustain its speed at 40 km/h in a long range run. They are herbivore, since most of them live in a desert so most of the time the consume desert plants as their main diet. Their color varies from cream, brown, black and tan.

14. Can you see a camel in the zoo?

yes, i can
maaf kalau salah :)no I can't because the camel was there in the western

kalo ga salah ya camel itu onta jadi ga ada di kebun binatang adanya di timur tengah

15. Perbandingan uang tabungan camel denok dan eli adalah 7:3:2 selisih uang tabungan eli dan camel rp.500.000 jumlah uang tabungan ketiganya adalah

camel:denok:eli =7:3:2
selisih uang eli dan camel=500.000
selisih perbandingan eli dan camel= 7-2=5
uang eli=2/5×500.000=200.000
uang camel=7/5×500.000=700.000
uang denok=3/7×700.000=300.000

(penyebutnya memakai tujuh karena ambil dari peebandungannya uang camel dan dikali dengan uangnya camel. boleh dengan peebandingan dan uangnya eli juga)

jumlah uang=200.000+700.000+300.000=Rp 1.200.000,00.

16. Describe about camel of your oppinion, please​


A camel is a domestic herbivorous animal also known as ‘the ship of the desert'. It has been domesticated for more than 3500 years now. In a camel essay, we must mention that camels are useful to humans in numerous ways. They are also loved for their obedience, intelligence and friendly nature. 

The striking features of camels are their long slender legs. The feet of the camel are padded. This equips the camel to run and walk on sand. Their body is covered with thick hair. Camels have two nostrils which they can close during sandstorms. The eyes of the camels are guarded by thick eyebrows and long lashes; these protect the eyes from sand. They have a long neck which facilitates them to feed on leaves on branches. In a camel essay, they have one or two big hunches on their back. These humps are basically deposited fats. Oxidation of these fats helps camel to survive during food scarcity. Camels have a water-storing bag in their stomach. Because of this special adaptation, camels can survive in the desert without water and food for a long period of time. When camels drink water, they absorb water like a sponge. For example, a 600 kg camel can drink 200 litres of water in 3 minutes! Also, camels are ruminants. 

The Arabian camels have a single hump while the Bactrian camels possess two humps. The former is found in Africa and South-Western Asia while the latter is found in the Gobi desert of Mongolia and China.

17. Who the camel and the mousederr

  A camel is an even-toed ungulate in the genus Camelus that bears distinctive fatty deposits known as "humps" on its back. ... Camels are working animals especially suited to their desert habitat and are a vital means of transport for passengers and cargo. There are three surviving species of camel.

Chevrotain, (family Tragulidae), also called mouse deer, any of about 10 species of small, delicately built, hoofed mammals that constitute the family Tragulidae (order Artiodactyla). Chevrotains are found in the warmer parts of Southeast Asia and India and in parts of Africa.

maaf jika ada kesalahan

18. Is camel wild animal?​


no, it is not


No, it is not

19. fact and opinion about camel



1. Unta ialah binatang yang tahan dengan berbagai iklim atau cuaca.

2. Unta membutuhkan cairan cukup untuk dapat bertahan hidup di padang gurun tanpa terserang dehidrasi.

3. Unta memiliki gigi dan rahang yang kuat.

4. unta dapat kehilangan hingga 25 persen cairannya, yang berarti mereka masih bisa bepergian lebih jauh tanpa pasokan air.

5. Susu unta mengandung Vitamin C dan zat besi dan sangat baik.

6. Meski terlihat sangat lamban, unta ternyata dapat berlari hingga kecepatan 40 mph.


Menurut saya, unta adalah hewan yang unik karena mereka memiliki punuk dipunggungnya dan keunikan-keunikan lainnya yang menadi ciri khas unta.

20. what are the characteristic of camel?

have a punuk

drink a water 57 litres

life in egypt sahara

Characteristics of camel animals

Has an average weight of 500 kg both male and female. It has a single and double hump to store food reserves. It has thick skin and fine hair. It has long legs and is able to withstand long trips. Able to survive in long-term dry and barren landsHaving lashes and two layers of eyelids serve to protect the eyes from dust and sand. It has a young brownish to blackish color

21. camel habitat is in the​




22. A giraffe /a camel /tall dengan jawabanya

maksudnya ini tuh yang paling tinggi

penjelasan:a giraffe kalo yg paling tinggi

23. Apa itu bentuk paruh Camel? + Jenis makanannya. :)

Semua burung paruhnya mengikuti apa yang ia makan. Dan makananya yaitu daging

24. aksara Jawa nya cameltolong kak ​


25. apa arti what does a camel eat​

Jawaban: apa yang dimakan unta



apa yang dimakan unta (maaf kalau salah)

26. what does a camel look like ?

Long legs and a small head make the camel appear oddly formed.

Its gait also seems awkward as the front and back legs on the same side move forward together, creating a rocking motion. Camels have either one hump (Dromedary) or two humps (Bactrian).

27. bahasa indonesianya camel​


Bahasa indonesianya camel adalah unta


Semoga Membantu




camel kan bahasa Inggrisnya unta

28. aksara Jawa ne camel yaiku​


itu sesuai gambar aja ya



29. putra - a camel - never - ride

Putra never ride a camelputra never ride a camel
putra tidak perna menaiki unta

30. A-big-camel-mouth-has-a


A camel has a big mouth

Semoga membantu


A camel has a big mouth.

semoga membantu.

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